Setup Grafana in Raspbian (Raspberrypi)
The below post is a simple explanation I did time ago, if you want further info and better explanation about how to setup a monitoring system into your Raspberripy please go to here. Raspbian version:9.8 $ uname -r 4.14.98-v7+ $ uname -m armv7l Version installed on my RasPi: Grafana v6.0.2 (3f4c2e7) Download Grafana package for your correct Raspi ARM $sudo dpkg -i grafana_6.1.3_armhf.deb $systemctl start grafana-server $systemctl status grafana-server then you will see from the status propmt the address= msg="HTTP Server Listen" logger=http.server address= To check the site is working go through localhost:3000 ...