csi interface for eks by terraform

It has been a while since my last post, I was busy these last couples of weeks; meanwhile I’ve learned how to implement a csi interface on eks (aws k8s) and it’s pretty interesting on AWS by EKS service, thus I though it can be useful this content into a post. Requirements: You will need your eks already running. I’ll point each tools, techs, etc I used on this procedure: ...


Enable "Kubectl" auto-completion in the Shell (Linux)

When you’ve done the SDK installation in your Linux workstation. list the components you have installed, then you will see the full list additional components from gcp SDK: gcloud components list gcloud components install <COMPONENT_ID> gcloud components install kubectl Then follow the instruction from the kubernetes official documentation, check the “bash-completion” and finally issue the command below: echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc Even you can go directly through your .bashrc (sudo) to add manually, it should look like: ...
