Creating snapshot image in Hetzner with packer

On this entry we will cover how to create an new image in Hetzner Public Cloud by using Packer, as result we willl get a snapshot and then we can generate this new instance by using the snapshot created. Tools used so far: Ansible Packer hcl2_upgrade I did not create a repo yet because it will be the first part of a personal project I’m working on, hence I will provide a couple of templates below. ...


Install Hetzner-CLi on Fedora by Toolbox

On this new entry I will share a briefly installation step by step by using Toolbox at Fedora 34 to use the hcloud-cli. Due we do not have an official package on fedora git-repo yet, hence we can create this container. Pre-requirement: Visit Hetzner Cloud Console at, select your project, and create a new API Token. Let’s start: 1- Create a file named Dockerfile.debian with the following contents(the following image is made to use a script to named and set a token_key): ...
