csi interface for eks by terraform

It has been a while since my last post, I was busy these last couples of weeks; meanwhile I’ve learned how to implement a csi interface on eks (aws k8s) and it’s pretty interesting on AWS by EKS service, thus I though it can be useful this content into a post. Requirements: You will need your eks already running. I’ll point each tools, techs, etc I used on this procedure: ...


Install Hetzner-CLi on Fedora by Toolbox

On this new entry I will share a briefly installation step by step by using Toolbox at Fedora 34 to use the hcloud-cli. Due we do not have an official package on fedora git-repo yet, hence we can create this container. Pre-requirement: Visit Hetzner Cloud Console at https://console.hetzner.cloud, select your project, and create a new API Token. Let’s start: 1- Create a file named Dockerfile.debian with the following contents(the following image is made to use a script to named and set a token_key): ...
