In any case you still having a device that works with smb v1.0 you can use the following way in order to mount it on your Fedora host:
Path: /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/
#!/bin/sh -e # Script to dispatch NetworkManager events # more over: # Runs ifupdown scripts when NetworkManager fiddles with interfaces. # See NetworkManager(8) for further documentation of the dispatcher events. INF="$1" # your current interface name such as eth0, wlp4s0 and so on STA="$2" # status such as UP or DOWN # Send message to /var/log/messages logger -s "$0 called for interface named $INF with $STA ..." if [ "$INF" == "eno1" ] then mount -t cifs -o vers=1.0,username=admin,password=Tr3x_1986,uid=1000,gid=1000,forceuid,forcegid // /home/jose/homedisk fi more info: