I’ve been looking for a encryptation app open source, to encrypt my files into Cloud with a touch of off-online control, and I found this nice app called Cryptomator. I downloaded the extension .Appimage, so the following instruction I will explain is how to set the .appimage into the app menu in Gnome.

  1. Download the Cryptomator by the link above.

  2. Set the permission below:

#chmod a+x cryptomator-1.4.15-x86_64.AppImage

The try to execute the file by a shell terminal or just double click on it ( to confirm it was downloaded fined)

By terminal:

  1. Then following the official documentation we can grab the sample file:

Path: /usr/share/applications/

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Sample Application Name
Comment=A sample application

Then create the .desktop file using a text editor eg: vi, nano,etc. I rather prefer vi so

#vi /usr/share/applications/cryptomator.desktop

In my case I left my .desktop file like this:

$cat /usr/share/applications/cryptomator.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Free client-side encryption for your cloud files
  1. Permission & Owner; over here we can set the same permission that those apps

If we do ls

$ ls -all /usr/share/applications/

We can see the following permission output:

-rw-r–r–. 1 root root xxxxxxx what does it mean ?

  • User: -wr -> Means that the file is readable and writeable to user.
  • Group: r– -> Means that the file is readable to group
  • Other: r– -> Means that the file is readable to other.

Setting the permission:

rwx rwx rwx 110 100 100 644

# chmod 644 /usr/share/applications/cryptomator.desktop

And finally the ownership:

$sudo chown root:root /usr/share/applications/cryptomator.desktop

To end we need to add the image.png so here you can download and copy to a path you want in my case I dropped it into the same path /usr/share/applications/

enjoy. :)